Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Entertaining

The sun is finally out today and my plants are drying out from all the rainy weather we've had. It's also my wedding anniversary and it reminds me of how much fun it is to entertain outdoors in the summer. Our wedding was held in a seaside tent on a day when we were lucky enough to have exceptional weather.

I can't wait for more warm nights ahead and having parties on our deck. When my husband, Sean, and I throw together a last minute get-together we always spark up the grill and cook chicken and veggies.

For a last minute party menu, don't forget:

Chicken breast for grilling: Splash with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and rosemary.
Cut up red bliss potatoes: Dressed with the same as the chicken
Sliced red pepper and eggplant: Put right on the grill

Grab some summertime beer, like: Sam Adams Summer or Blackberry, Blue Moon or Wachusett Blueberry. For the wine lovers, like me, an unoaked chardonnay is the way to go. My favorite is The Wishing Tree. And if your really ambitious, make some mojitos. I grow peppermint in my garden, so I always know it's fresh.

Then all you need is your good friends, some good music playing on the radio and the sun setting on your dinner party!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Peonies from Nancy's Garden

I love peonies. I used them in my wedding bouquet and I'm growing some on my deck. My aunt Nancy has tons in her yard and graciously brought some over last night. They've made my whole house smell light and fresh!